C.S. Howland


Chester Scott Howland, son of a whaleship captain, was born and lived all his life in New Bedford, Massachusetts. His ancestors were seafaring folk and he had been thoroughly steeped in the ways and traditions of the whale hunters.

On the shores of Buzzards Bay, C.S. Howland watched thousands of whalemen sail from the romantic seaport. As a published author traveled the Union and lectured under the belief that every young man needed to know of the American whale hunters, of the great odds they faced, and of their bravery and skill as seamen.

New York  Times Jan. 12, 1952 Article by Walter B. Hayward – “Monsters Of the Deep; THAR SHE BLOWS! By Chester S. Howland. Illustrated. 304 pp. New York: Wilfred Funk: $3.50.”

Cover of book "Thar She Blows!"
Cover of book Grey Gold