Sailing Checklist

Plexus Sailing Checklist

1. **Prepare Appropriate Attire**: Dress appropriately for sailing, including non-slip footwear, weather-appropriate clothing (such as layers for warmth or sun protection), and a hat or sunglasses for sun glare.
2. **Motion Sickness Prevention**: Take motion sickness medication if prone to seasickness. 
3. **Hydration and Sun Protection**: Stay hydrated and apply sunscreen regularly, especially on exposed skin.
4. **Personal Belongings Securing**: Secure personal belongings to prevent them from falling overboard or getting wet. Bring waterproof bags or containers for phones, cameras, and other valuables.
5. **Active Participation**: Please participate in sailing tasks if willing and able, such as hoisting sails, steering, or helping with navigation under supervision.
6. **Enjoyment and Relaxation**: Relax, enjoy the experience, and take in the beauty.



  • Always be on lookout. Speak up if anything is noticed.
  • Write and sign entries in the logbook. Consider sharing insights or taking photos with the tablet.
  • Only wear barefoot or boat shoes to prevent slips and marks on the deck.
  • Avoid using spray sunscreen.
  • Practice one-hand-for-yourself, one-hand-for-the-ship rule while underway.
  • Memorize the gate access code: 13180#



  • Bring personal comfort items such as dry clothes, cushions, jackets, books, sunglasses, or an extra hat.
  • Consider bringing treats; the boat has a freezer and cold box.
  • Avoid bringing bananas as they don’t sit well with everyone.
  • Use duffle bags for easy handling and to prevent damage to the boat. Avoid suitcases, plastic coolers, and hard-shell bags.
  • Feel free to ask about any equipment onboard; basic instructions are available on the ship’s tablet.
  • Familiarize yourself with the operation of the toilet (head) before needing it.



  • Follow the captain’s instructions at all times.
  • Do not proceed forward on deck without permission.
  • Wear life jackets during turbulent conditions.
  • Use Channel 16 on the radio at the helm.
  • Adjust the radio’s “squelch” dial for the best transmission.
  • Refer to the logbook’s Emergency section for guidance.